Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
Throughout the book, the relationships among the five spheres and their connections to the sciences are emphasized. For better or worse, technology is closely intertwined with the other four spheres.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
This book is mainly intended as a textbook for undergraduate students of science & engineering and other courses covered by all universities and colleges in India.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
This book presents the current aspects of environmental issues in view of chemical processes particularly with respect to two facets: social sciences along with chemistry and natural sciences.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
Frank R. Spellman and Melissa Stoudt introduce the science of the environmental mediums of air, water, soil, and biota to undergraduate students. Interdisciplinary by nature, environmental science embraces a wide array of topics.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
This report is intended to provide an overview of the scientific and technological effort to meet the environmental goals identified in the Green Plan.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
The book provides the basic natural sciences that underpin the understanding, development and application of environment technologies that support a clean inhabitable world that includes environmental technologies and sustainable, renewable ...
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
This book provides the foundation not only for understanding green science and technology, but also for taking its application to the next level.
Environmental science & technology from books.google.com
This book is meant to be an introductory text on the Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Engineering.