Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


勁草書房, 1968. -- (吉本隆明全著作集 ; 1). <BB00113877>
No tag is registered

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 Central Library Central:B2N_Japanese Book 000786981 /918.6/Y91y/1 0items
0002 1 Humanities and Social science Library Japanese Literature 004152958 /918.6/Y91Y/1 Contact for use 0items
No. 0001
Library Central Library
Location Central:B2N_Japanese Book
Material ID 000786981
Call No /918.6/Y91y/1
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes 1
Library Humanities and Social science Library
Location Japanese Literature
Material ID 004152958
Call No /918.6/Y91Y/1
Status Contact for use
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 定本詩集
テイホン シシュウ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 勁草書房 , 1968.12
physical description area 299p ; 20cm
parent bibliography link 吉本隆明全著作集||ヨシモト タカアキ ゼン チョサクシュウ <BB00975691> 1//b
NCID BN14884791
text language code Japanese
author link 吉本, 隆明(1924-)||ヨシモト, タカアキ <AU00074963>
classification Collections NDC8:918.68