Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


1 - 7. -- 奈良国立文化財研究所, 1990. -- (平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報 ; 22,24,29-33). <BB00911627>
No tag is registered

HoldingsList 1-6 of about 6

No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 2 Humanities and Social science Library History & Archaeology 10004735032 /216.5/N51/hhc-24 Contact for use 0items
0002 3 Central Library Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book 013845999 /210.02/N51H/29 0items
0003 3 Humanities and Social science Library History & Archaeology 10003792790 /216.5/N51/hhc-29 Contact for use 0items
0004 4 Central Library Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book 014004835 /210.02/N51H 0items
0005 7 Central Library Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book 007078050 /210.02/N51h/33 0items
0006 7 Humanities and Social science Library History & Archaeology 10003795917 /216.5/N51/hhc-33 Contact for use 0items
No. 0001
Volumes 2
Library Humanities and Social science Library
Location History & Archaeology
Material ID 10004735032
Call No /216.5/N51/hhc-24
Status Contact for use
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes 3
Library Central Library
Location Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book
Material ID 013845999
Call No /210.02/N51H/29
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Volumes 3
Library Humanities and Social science Library
Location History & Archaeology
Material ID 10003792790
Call No /216.5/N51/hhc-29
Status Contact for use
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0004
Volumes 4
Library Central Library
Location Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book
Material ID 014004835
Call No /210.02/N51H
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0005
Volumes 7
Library Central Library
Location Central:B2CENTER_Japanese Book
Material ID 007078050
Call No /210.02/N51h/33
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0006
Volumes 7
Library Humanities and Social science Library
Location History & Archaeology
Material ID 10003795917
Call No /216.5/N51/hhc-33
Status Contact for use
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 二条大路木簡
ニジョウ オオジ モッカン
publication,distribution,etc.,area [奈良] : 奈良国立文化財研究所 , 1990.5-
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
Volume Information
volumes 1
Volume Information
volumes 2
Volume Information
volumes 3
Volume Information
volumes 4
Volume Information
volumes 5
Volume Information
volumes 6
Volume Information
volumes 7
parent bibliography link 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報||ヘイジョウキュウ ハックツ チョウサ シュツド モッカン ガイホウ <BB00868490> 22,24,29-33//b
note 3: 付 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報21・24・27・28訂正
note 4: 付 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報22・24訂正
note 5: 付 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報22・29訂正
note 6: 付 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概報30・31訂正
note 7: 付 平城宮発掘調査出土木簡概22・24・30・31訂正
NCID BN08064738
text language code Japanese
author link 奈良国立文化財研究所||ナラ コクリツ ブンカザイ ケンキュウジョ <AU00047772>
classification General history of Japan||General history of Japan NDC8:210.2
classification History. Geography NDLC:GB151
subject headings 木簡・竹簡||モッカン・チッカン
subject headings 平城宮||ヘイジョウキュウ
subject headings 奈良県 -- 遺跡・遺物||ナラケン -- イセキ・イブツ