Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


見坊豪紀 [ほか] 編 ; : [並装], : 革装. -- 第4版. -- 三省堂, 1992. <BB00296060>
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HoldingsList 1-3 of about 3

No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 : [並装] Tokyo Metropolitan University Library AV Section 013176147 /813.1/SA66S Contact for use 0items
0002 : [並装] Central Library Central:B2N_Japanese Book 007180592 /813.1/Ke34s 0items
0003 : [並装] Health Sciences Library Arakawa:stacks2 039200383 R/813.1/Sa66/1992 0items
No. 0001
Volumes : [並装]
Library Tokyo Metropolitan University Library
Location AV Section
Material ID 013176147
Call No /813.1/SA66S
Status Contact for use
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes : [並装]
Library Central Library
Location Central:B2N_Japanese Book
Material ID 007180592
Call No /813.1/Ke34s
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Volumes : [並装]
Library Health Sciences Library
Location Arakawa:stacks2
Material ID 039200383
Call No R/813.1/Sa66/1992
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 三省堂国語辞典 / 見坊豪紀 [ほか] 編
サンセイドウ コクゴ ジテン
edition area 第4版
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 三省堂 , 1992.2
physical description area 18, 1356p ; 18cm
Volume Information
volumes : [並装]
ISBN 4385131880
Volume Information
volumes : 革装
ISBN 4385131880
note その他の編者: 金田一京助, 金田一春彦, 柴田武, 飛田良文
NCID BN07228625
text language code Japanese
author link 見坊, 豪紀(1914-1992)||ケンボウ, ヒデトシ <AU00082689>
classification Dictionaries NDC8:813.1
classification The Arts. Language. Literature NDLC:KF3
subject headings 日本語 -- 辞書||ニホンゴ -- ジショ