Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


清岡卓行[著]. -- 講談社, 1988. -- (講談社文芸文庫 ; [き-A1]). <BB02134856>
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No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 Central Library Central:2F 012682434 /910.8/KO19K/KI-A-1 0items
No. 0001
Library Central Library
Location Central:2F
Material ID 012682434
Call No /910.8/KO19K/KI-A-1
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area アカシヤの大連 / 清岡卓行[著]
アカシヤ ノ ダイレン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 講談社 , 1988.2
physical description area 388p ; 16cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4061960040
parent bibliography link 講談社文芸文庫||コウダンシャ ブンゲイ ブンコ <BB00769077> [き-A1]//a
note 参考資料・著書目録: p385-388
NCID BN04975551
text language code Japanese
author link 清岡, 卓行(1922-2006)||キヨオカ, タカユキ <AU00078625>
classification Fiction. Romance. Novel NDC8:913.6
classification Fiction. Romance. Novel NDC9:913.6
classification The Arts. Language. Literature NDLC:KH271
subject headings 旧満州地域||キュウマンシュウチイキ