Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


H.M.マンチェリヤン著 ; 高木相監訳. -- 啓学出版, 1985. <BB00919265>
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No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 Systems Design Library Hino:open shelf(Japanese) 101768182 /549.95/MU 0items
No. 0001
Library Systems Design Library
Location Hino:open shelf(Japanese)
Material ID 101768182
Call No /549.95/MU
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area レーザ技術の原理と実際 / H.M.マンチェリヤン著 ; 高木相監訳
レーザ ギジュツ ノ ゲンリ ト ジッサイ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 啓学出版 , 1985.11
physical description area 240p ; 21cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4766505026
variant titles 原タイトル:Principles & practices of laser technology.
NCID BN00153991
text language code Japanese
author link Muncheryan, Hrand M. <AU00705517> 著
author link 高木, 相(1932-)||タカギ, タスク <AU00598298> 監訳
classification Electronic engineering NDC8:549.95
classification Science and technology NDLC:ND451
subject headings レーザ||レーザ