Tokyo Metropolitan University Library


日本薬学会. -- (南大沢:本館). -- 1巻1号 (1965)-. -- 日本薬学会, 1965. <SB00005832>
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Collective HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

No. Library Location Location2 Call No Volume Available Years/Months Note
0001 Central Library Central:1F Periodical 10B Central:B1CENTER_Japanese Periodical P/490/F15n 1-17, 18(1, 3-12), 19-21, 22(1-5, 8-12), 23-32, 33(1-5, 7-12), 34-40, 42-60, 61(1)+ 1965-2025
No. 0001
Library Central Library
Location Central:1F Periodical 10B
Location2 Central:B1CENTER_Japanese Periodical
Call No P/490/F15n
Volume 1-17, 18(1, 3-12), 19-21, 22(1-5, 8-12), 23-32, 33(1-5, 7-12), 34-40, 42-60, 61(1)+
Available Years/Months 1965-2025

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area ファルマシア / 日本薬学会
edition area (南大沢:本館)
Volumes and Years of Serial 1巻1号 (1965)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 日本薬学会 , 1965-
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
variant titles その他のタイトル:くすりの科学
クスリ ノ カガク
variant titles その他のタイトル:Farumashia
NCID AN00214125
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 00148601
author link 日本薬学会||ニホン ヤクガッカイ <AU00332300>