Tokyo Metropolitan University Library

老いた親を愛せますか? : それでも介護はやってくる

岸見一郎著. -- 幻冬舎, 2015. <BB02393720>
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No. Volumes Library Location Material ID Call No Status Due Date Reservation WEB書棚
0001 Health Sciences Library Arakawa:patient memoirs 30000608314 /367.7/Ki58/2015 0items
No. 0001
Library Health Sciences Library
Location Arakawa:patient memoirs
Material ID 30000608314
Call No /367.7/Ki58/2015
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 老いた親を愛せますか? : それでも介護はやってくる / 岸見一郎著
オイタ オヤ オ アイセマスカ? : ソレデモ カイゴ ワ ヤッテクル
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 幻冬舎 , 2015.12
physical description area 219p ; 18cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784344028678
NCID BB20500743
text language code Japanese
author link 岸見, 一郎 (1956-)||キシミ, イチロウ <AU00300468>
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC8:367.7
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC9:367.7
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC9:367.3
subject headings 高齢者||コウレイシャ
subject headings 親子関係||オヤコカンケイ
subject headings 親子関係 -- 日本||オヤコカンケイ -- ニホン
subject headings 家族介護 -- 日本||カゾク カイゴ -- ニホン